Christ-centered ruminations

Here we discuss a variety of issues in light of scripture and experience

A Christian Need Not Fit In

Estimated Reading Time: About 5 Minutes
Understandably, a Christian could feel out of place. The world is not a Christian world, and the topic of God and religion is becoming controversial. Considering that an average human seeks validation from others, a Christian cannot seek this solace, because what the world glorifies is not what God glorifies. Sometimes this can lead some Christians to feel isolated, because somewhere deep down, they want to fit in, they want to be normal. However, God is calling us to a higher place, and this higher place carries with it a different level of responsibility and duties than that of an average person. Truly, it took a while for me to see outside the box, but with the grace of God, the journey has begun, and with the power of God, a renewal of the mind.

(Father, I pray that everyone reading this right now would gain the strength to dare to be different, in a way that puts honor on your name and on what you have called us to do, in Jesus name, Amen).

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