Christ-centered ruminations

Here we discuss a variety of issues in light of scripture and experience

God Knows Best

Hello Friends,

I hope this message meets you well.

Today, I want to talk about God’s direction. The truth is, when we ask God for things, only God knows the best way to give it to us. I know a lot of Christians who wonder why God did not answer immediately they asked, or how they wanted. However, the truth is, we ask for several things that are actually not good for us.

Once upon a time, I had a habit of praying my will. I remember that there were times when what I wanted would happen, then I would see that it is not what I in fact wanted. God sometimes purposefully leads us in another direction, because that direction is far more fruitful that it looks from the outside.

It is okay to tell God what you want. As a matter of fact, get real with God, get raw, and get specific. However, the truth is, telling God how to move, when to move, what to do, is like trying to control God. God is the one who is always in control. We need to be able to trust God.

I hope this message gives you some hope this week. God bless you. Happy Mid-week.

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