Christ-centered ruminations

Here we discuss a variety of issues in light of scripture and experience

Bible Study Is Key

Hello Friends,

I hope this message finds you well.

Today, I want to talk about Bible Study. I have seen many Christians who think the point of studying the Bible is so that we can get closer to God. I agree with them to an extent. Indeed, when we study the word of God, we are able to understand God on better terms.

However, Bible study also serves the purpose of keeping us away from false prophets. False prophets have a habit of twisting the words in the Bible or its meaning, to suit their selfish interests. Sometimes the twists are subtle enough for you to not catch it, whereas, other times they are so blatant that even a new Christian would know to cross check with their Bible to see if the claim is correct.

Reading one’s Bible helps you to know exactly what the Lord says, so that people do not just come by and deceive us.

As we know, the Bible is a big book. It is not really possible to finish reading the Bible in one day. Therefore, a good way to read the Bible is to try to stick to a Bible reading plan. Whenever you need to decide on a specific issue, you can go to

Open Bible Info topics has a list of topics from A to Z, and what the Bible says about each topic, with Bible scriptures.

It is important to cross check what you are hearing with the actual scriptures, and to read the scriptures too. It does take time and commitment, but Bible study is key.

God bless you.

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