Christ-centered ruminations

Here we discuss a variety of issues in light of scripture and experience

About Me

“An intelligent heart acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.”

– Proverbs 18:15

Thank you for gracing my blog website with your presence. I am happy to have you here.

I am a youth who loves Jesus, and I want to use my blog site to share my love for Jesus with you.

I received salvation in a really unusual way. Prior to becoming a Christian, I was a member of another faith. I was fully fledged within that faith and I thought nothing could shake my belief. God planted little seeds along the way in my life. I had friends who told me about Jesus, strangers who tried to preach to me and such. However, I was unshakeable in my faith. One day, I decided to head to a church, with the intention that I would come back home the same, but that day I did not. I had been to churches several times in the past and came back the same, but on this particular day, I did not. I began going to church more regularly and started to see the light of Christ, and since then, I have not turned back.

I hope my story inspires you to reflect on your own journey, and I hope my blog posts can help you along the way.

Welcome here, welcome home!

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